Commercialization of a continuous Glycerolysis process to convert High FFA Waste Oils to Feedstock for Biodiesel.

Application Note for Sumwin Continuous Glycerolysis of Waste Oils Like Used Cooking Oil (UCO) / Palm Acid Oil (PAO) / Palm Oil from Mill Effluent (POME)

Sumwin Solutions Malaysia Sdn Bhd exists to offer sustainable products & services using our insights that are embedded with technological innovation to deliver outstanding value propositions to the Global Food, Feed, Oleo-chemicals & Renewable Energy Sectors.

Sumwin stands out from many other technology providers as our solutions are designed from a “Practitioner’s” perspective incorporating latest technologies with a motto to deliver outstanding solutions with low CAPEX, low OPEX and maximum return on investment. Our Value Proposition is MORE FOR LESS.

This application note is related with the Continuous Pretreatment and Glycerolysis process for processing waste oils (low cost oils) and convert it into a feed stock for biodiesel or for animal feed production. Our system consists of continuous Glycerolysis reactors which can convert high FFA (as high as 80%) to a low FFA product (max 0.2%) with an oil yield of around 99% in a very cost effective configuration. The main equipment consists of our proprietary design of pre-treatment to take care of the sludge and other impurities followed by series of reactors, vacuum system, feed oil pumps, chemical feed pumps, product transfer pumps, intermediate tanks, heat exchangers, flow meters, temperature transmitters, pressure transmitters, level transmitters and MCC/PLC panel. The processes in this plant are completely automated using PLC controls and SCADA monitoring system to guarantee process reliability.

Key Advantage of this Glycerolysis system as compared to alternate technologies are:

  1. This is continuous system as against batch system provided by others.

  2. Low CAPEX because no need to use exotic material of construction.

  3. Optimized OPEX.

  4. Low Maintenance Cost with least down time

  5. Oil yield of around 99%

  6. This system will provide a value addition to the extra waste oils that will be generated at palm oil mills due to segregation of waste oils for mitigating MCPDE/GE.

Please contact us so that we can review the kind of waste oils you have and how we can effectively convert it into more valuable feedstock for other products.
